Diameter of the circular weaving loom is an important factor to produce the
required width of the fabric. Hence correct Weaving Ring ID Calculation is very
important prior to starting fabric production on the circular looms. Therefore,
Wrong diameter calculation result incorrect fabric width, that may lead to
serious quality issues if not tackled properly. We should also consider the
ring diameter aligned with the Denier because higher and lower deniers
impacts differently. There is a minor variation in the ring size if the denier
is lower, medium or higher. If the denier is low then the ring ID will be
slightly bigger however the ID will be slightly lower if we need to run a
higher denier.
simple method for Weaving Ring ID Calculation
Below is the step by step guide and formula to calculate the
Internal Diameter of the Ring.
Let’s assume that we require 600mm (60cm) lay flat fabric. Hence
we know that the fabric is tubular and has two sides so the total fabric width
Hi sir,the formula calculation of circular loom output : is it mesh x speed x hr x no of shuttle?